Thursday, January 17, 2013

Coffee and Pancake Butt

This is the new me.
Coffee and Pancake Butt.

The grind. The ratrace. The beginning of the end. Surrounded by 3 walls 5 ft high. My new lover, Hewlett Packard.

The recording of my random streams of consciousness begins again.

A blurb I liked on an article about OSX updates to Snow Leopord.
21 months ago
Oh boy. The biggest features of this release is that it gets you ready to upgrade to another version of the operating system. What does it do? Install docking clamps to the warp drive, power up the transporter and set phasers to stun? :D

Enjoy it folks. There will be no more updates to Snow Leopard except for security updates. This will be the last version of OSX period for some. I certainly see no pending reason to upgrade (at least until software I use/need requires it). Most of the new Lion features are pointless at best (namely all the iOS ones; my desktop is not a giant iPad and shouldn't be treated as one).
In other Mac readings, this guy, is a genius and should be revered and paid lots of money. Good luck, guy, good luck.
I don't think Sandy Hook is a hoax. I think it makes sense for some people to investigate certain oddities of the incident.
What I will say is it seems to have been gathering steam, and conveniently this morning the news is throwing every other hoax story at us to distract from the Sandy Hook one.
Some football player and his girlfriend, etc....No one cares about that. But go ahead, talk it to death, distract us. After all, Distraction becomes more and more of a relevant cultural aspect of this county everyday.

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