Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm thinking...

I have not felt like this blog the past little while because I didn't know where to start. I wish I could just vomit out my experience at the Hospital doing clinicals the other day. I just wish to upchuck the whole thing and be done with it. Instead I had to emotionally digest it, and it was a bitch! Alls I will say about it is that I tip my hat to everyone working in the medical field.

This guy Dan is a major douchebag, by the way, also, and so forth. It wouldn't be as bad if he wasn't so clueless. I've decided that is the worst part. Is that I can't get justice on his arrogant bastard soul because he's so clueless he's impenetrable.

There's more fishes in the sea though right? Apparently all the ones I like are almost 40 though! Holy cow batman! We'll see. I'm not going to lie, it's not their age that bothers me. It's me being intimidated by comparison. And before you think "But you're awesome Rayna!" yeah yeah, BUT these guys, the ones I like, they sell themselves like being UBER AWESOME.

Yeah, it's true, it's from profiles from a dating website. So, corn and cheese as it may be, it's 2011 fools and when you want to sweep you need a broom! The internet it supposedly where it's at yo. I mean, seriously, after the creeps I have had, can it really get much worse?!

Anyway, today I mailed my grandmothers some crystal hangies that I fashioned. Mike made me this cool  purple amethyst necklace. I found out I officially owe the IRS over 800 bucks in back taxes, ohhh yeah.

It's ups and downs lately. I could use a boost. I'm thinking..orgasm?...hmm maybe just a job. I'd take that. I called the manager at Whole Foods and tried not to sound too desperate.

I need another outlet. Another mode of expression. I got my glow lights and am enjoying them but something is missing. I'm thinking...orgasm?... just kidding.

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