Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Liver damage

After class, which sucked by the way, you know that class is 5 hours 3 times a week. It doesn't help when you stay up to ungodly hours of the morning and then wake up at 5:45am. Anyway, after class I went to one of the places there were Gem Show vendors, had a pretty good time though I did get sentimental thinking of how Wes and I went there in 2009 and had such a good time together. I went over to get acupunture but they were totally booked. Figures. And they totally deserve all that business so it was fine. Ended up going to David's house for the first time. That's right, house. He lives with his brother and it's a nice house. We went and walked along the "river" and he told me all kinds of insightful details about his life. Wow, what an Army guy. I mean wow, total freaking military. I almost felt like it was my duty to....well, lol, maybe not my duty but...

Anyway, yeah.

I like talking about the journey of life that he has had and hearing his point of view, being so similar, even though our experiences are polar opposites. I mean, the guy could be an evil mastermind, and has earned a purple heart. Guess that's just life for you. It's like I was saying to him. Some people seem really condescending because they act like you are where you are because of some choice, some plan. But I wake up, I say "this is my life, doesn't necessary look a thing like I thought it would. but somehow A+B/Z & C/ 123 and here I am." 

I gotta get up early again to go out in the desert with Daniel, an intern I trained way back when, to volunteer doing GPS stuff on the Ironwood. The other day we showed up just as a load had come though. I love that excitement. Love it! 

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