Sunday, February 20, 2011


Been around the world and I I I
And we been playa hated [say what?]
I don't know and I don't know why
Why they want us faded [ahehe]
I don't know why they hate us [yeah]
Is it our ladies? [uh-huh]
Or our drop Mercedes [uhh, uhh]
Bay-bee bay-BEE!

So. Yeah, things clearly got out of hand the other night. I mean, OK, in my defense, I am not used to dating! Plus, I think perhaps some women date to find "the one" and I date, well, for fun. So anyway, it does suck because I reallllly like Dan but there wasn't like a pattern or anything really set-up with us. So, I am sort of vulnerable to him right now. All I want is for him to call me but..yeah...I don't know what's up. I mean Friday was amazzzing. 

Mike thinks I should play it cool, be casually hot (his words) next time I see him and act like it's no big deal.

Today I went to my first Poi class and I am really happy with it. It meets only once a week so I need to try and practice between times. Anyway, then I went to Goodwill (killing time hoping Dan would call me, I was on his side of town) and I got some really sexy (not slutty!) clothes for super cheap. My favorite are the shoes I got. They are black wedges and super classic classy. So, the other night Dan said we would hang out Sunday (today) so I thought he would call me...I was getting impatient so I texted him "What are you doing?" and he called me a while later. This is (no joke) the conversation:

R: Hello
D: Hey
R: What are you doing?
D: I am getting ready to go to this thing, it's hard to explain, it's like a workshop with events and some of it is communications and I am going to volunteer and help collect funds, and it''s just, it's weird to explain...
R: Um, you don't have to explain it.
D: Well, the reason I am calling you is to see if you have a card table.
R: Uhhh, no, Mike has some TV trays but no.
D: Oh... (silence)
R: I mean, uhh, he probably has something but I don't know. I am not there right now.
D: You aren't.
R: Yeah, I am not home....
D: OK..... (silence)
R: Well, have fun!
D: (condescending laugh) Yeah OK bye

So fucking awkward. Plus, he wasn't even sweet. And he didn't even mention us hanging out or even invite me. Lame. 

Whatever, I played dress up at home, made food, polished my boots, and then went bowling with Nich as his coworkers. I love my Nich. Every girl should have a sexy, fun, gay friend. Who else are they supposed to talk about penises with?! LMAO! The one bad thing of the night was, I ate french fries. GASP! I haven't eaten fries since October! I am off french fries. I don't even eat potatoes unless they are baked yams. But back to bowling. Shit was funny. My hand is still realllly weak and those balls were heavy! ..That's what she said... I dropped the ball TWICE! The silliest part was I went to throw the ball and ended up falling on top of it! Everyone thought it was highly entertaining. Shit like that used to mortify me. But it was just plain funny. I played super retarded for a while before finally explaining my hand injury. 

Last night I went to Roller Derby with Janka, this Greek/Russian girl. She was cracking me up! She is all obsessed with this guy, Elliott, who is an Elvis impersonator and dresses like him on a daily basis. I met him once before and tried for her benefit not to make eyes at him even though he could be in GQ, sideburns and all..
Anyway, none of the girls got in a fight. There were some elbows, lots of booty shorts over fishnets, tattoos, and beer. It was a good time. I wouldn't mind doing that. I've always wanted to have an excuse to push some bitches around. 

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